My Own Matters


My name is Frank Luckscheiter and here you can get to know my multifaceted interests. Even at a young age, I have travelled the world quite a bit. Due to my intercultural orientation, I have studied Cultural and Social Anthropology. My intention is now to deal with a doctoral thesis about the urbanization of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) in the former German East Africa.

I don’t delve into the partially terrible topics because I just hate life. On the contrary, how should »paradise« (as the best world possible) be achieved by humanity without learning to know the hell on earth before a bit?

For more precise information or if you are able to extend my knowledge about one or another detail, feel free to contact me via E-mail:



I am searching for new opportunities, just could imagine finding work in different sectors. I have worked as an archaeological employee and commercial staff in antiquarian bookshops.

In the matter of travel intermediation, sustainable tourism with the focuses on culture and nature, the first steps have already been taken. In this regard, I have translated from Spanish into German, French, and English. My particular interest lies in the field of archaeology.



As can be seen in my gallery, I have a preference for historical visual material from the time before televisions existed, especially before 1914. Primarily, this selection of my private collection should broaden the mental horizon and reflect the spirit of the time.

About this website

My webpage is being revised at the moment.

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